Trey Jones, a Junior majoring in Social Studies, was recently crowned Mr. ONU last week. The event was sponsored by Kappa Alpha Theta and was held to raise money for the sorority's philanthropic efforts.
Well done Trey!
Check out what's happening in the Social Studies Program at ONU
Interested in Studying Abroad Outside Western Europe? Boren Scholarships Webinar - Monday, September 13
The Boren Scholarships provide a unique funding opportunity for U.S. undergraduate students to study world regions critical to U.S. interests (including Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East).
During this webinar, we will explain the eligibility requirements for the scholarship along with the award preferences for country, language, and field of study. We will also discuss the service requirement and give an overview of the application.
Be prepared to listen closely and to ask questions.
Michael Loughlin, ONU Boren Scholarship and Fellowship Representative ; 419-772-2092
This Monday, September 13 at 2 p.m. eastern time, we are offering a Boren Scholarships webinar. Please let your students know about this opportunity, as it will give them an overview of the award, and it will also offer them the opportunity to ask questions. To register for the webinar, please visit
All that is required to participate is a computer and a phone or headset.
The girls were only caught when one of them was so excited about the scam that she blabbed about it on her Facebook page, according to news website The Local.
The teenagers, who were not named, came up with the plan after finding a key to the teachers' lounge. They then went to a spy shop, bought bugging equipment and planted it in the staff room the day before teachers were due to have a meeting about how to grade students' work.
The pair reportedly thought the plot would give them an advantage on upcoming tests and school work -- but after one of the girls mentioned their clever plan on Facebook, teachers found the bug.
The girls were charged with trespassing and fined 2,000 kronor ($270) each in Stockholm District Court.
original story found at