The first two thumbnails are Ashley's resume, so if you are looking for a fine addition to your staff next year, contact her!

Check out what's happening in the Social Studies Program at ONU
The Football in American Culture class (History 462) visited the Wilson Football Factory in Ada Tuesday, November 12. The students saw how the footballs are made and informed that all of the NFL's balls, as well as 50% of Division I and 70-80% of Division III balls are made here in Ada. The Wilson factory, which turns out between four and five thousand footballs a day, Monday through Friday, during their peak season, which lasts between January and September, opened in 1938, as a way of using hides that were a byproduct of the parent company's meat packing efforts. The company was named after an employee of the original company who oversaw the construction of the sporting equipment division.
Claude Smith, Professor Emeritus of English and the National Endowment for the Humanities is offering a five week seminar on The Frontier Experience in the American Midwest: Greater Illinois to 1860. Teachers who are accepted will receive a stipend of $3800 to attend. More information can be obtained from the following email address.
The Frontier Experience in the American Midwest:
Greater Illinois to 1860
June 28-August 1, 2009 (6 weeks)
James E. Davis
Illinois College
Department of History
1101 West College Avenue
Jacksonville, IL 62650